Thursday 29 May 2008

About me

Hello, good evening, and welcome!

You may not know who I am and I probably don't know who you are (such is the beauty of the internet), so let me introduce myself.

I am Chris, age 25 as of yesterday. I reside in the centre of Birmingham (that's the one in the middle of England, not the one in the middle of hillbilly county, USA or wherever it is). While I could bore you with a full biography, I'll save the long version for when I'm (in)famous enough to make money out of it.

In my spare time, I play a fair bit of online poker. I like to think I'm a good player, but the old poker adage of 'you're not as good as you think you are' almost certainly applies. I enjoy the background and the psychology of the game as much as the actual playing aspect - certainly more of my recent time has been spent keeping up with developments in the poker world and mulling over strategic questions posed in the poker forum I am a moderator of (I believe that's 'way of telling that you're an internet nerd' #3245), that being Cardschat. You will find the majority of my blog entries crossposted in the relevant forum there, if you wish to partake in further discussion or just generally poke fun at me.

Why make a blog and not just continue to post there? I honestly don't know for sure. Maybe it's because I feel more comfortable being overly opinionated and self-serving on my blog as opposed to a general forum. Maybe it's because I feel more comfortable incessantly rambling about things that might make me feel more comfortable posting on a blog. Maybe it's because all the 'cool' kids are doing it and I am trying to keep in with the young crowd having just turned 25 and had my first birthday where my overriding feeling was one of impending doom at how utterly past it I am rather than overwhelming joy and general WOO IT'S MY BIRTHDAY-ness. Maybe it's because this blog will provide me with a convenient vehicle for typing contentless drivel (like the preceding paragraph). Who knows? Even I don't know how my mind works sometimes (which makes me difficult to read at a poker table).

I intend to maintain a healthy mix between (poker-related) irreverent humour, strategy, news and views here. If you have any input, feel free to drop me a mail or contact me on Cardschat under the handle 'Dorkus Malorkus'.

Much love!


Irexes said...


Wheres the passwords?

Personally I like the bubbles in the background.

One tip is that essential to a successful blog is only posting once a month maximum and ruminating on subjects only you have interest in.

May the interweb winds speed you to success.

Yours in writing toshness

(crosslink me baby)

ChuckTs said...

Pretty surprised with the somewhat random blog startage here. Always thought you were against them or something.

Crosslink'd, and happy belated bday :)


Chris said...

You both done got link'd yo.

Rex - I am fully aware of proper blog etiquette thank you very much. Honestly, you give me no credit sometimes.

Chuck - dunno where you got the idea I was 'against' blogs. I'm against blogs that suck, like 98% of livejournals and stuff, but then again I'm against anything that sucks.

Plus I'm a random kind of guy. :)

Entiteit said...

Nice to see you starting a blog.

Hope you keep it more updated than pro-blogger Rex over there XD.

But then again that's how he rolls ...

GL and happy B-day (very belated :))